Dear Group,
Today, I have a very strange feeling. I will not open one of the CISSP book for a domain on which I don't feel confident. Today, I will not trigger the counter for a 50, 100 or 150 quiz study or blank exam. Today, I will not watch a video to make me understand a framework concept or a crypto standard.
Today, I feel like a young student who just got his grail to start his new life. Today, I smile without real reason...Yesterday I went for the CISSP exam and after 2h55 got this first word in the letter : Congratulations.
So, I already informed all my nearest family and friends. Before to align my LinkedIn or what else, I had to share this info with all of you. Not for shining in front of you, just to say : work (not too hard but very often. It is a long journey). Believe in yourself (the day you can't, wait for tomorrow). Don't be too confident is maybe a good way for being pragmatic. Listen, listen, listen... and be nice.
Friends, if I passed the exam (2nd time), each of you can pass it...
The materials which support me (or inverse):
- Books or notes
Sybex 8th edition (it was for me THE book) read once and then my every day book
All-in-one Shon Harris (I skimmed over the pages for having different point of view)
Think like a manager ( maybe the first to read. Not for answering properly the question but for understanding the reasons why we have to eliminate the bad answers (!) AND also the last book to read to remember when we read it for first time (ahahahah!)
I spent a lot of time on Study Notes and Theory, a lot (video, note, re note)
- Quizzes
First, I use the Sybex ones (wiley test bank) and reached almost 100% result. When I switched to Study Notes and Theory, I go down to 50%...Use a lot of different quiz sources
Pocket prep (easy one but useful, it gives you shortly good result and even if it is not the best, it is good for the mood to get nice scores some days)
CCCure quizz engine (very useful and a lot of questions)
Without surprise, Study Notes and Theory. I think, it is the 60% of the exam. Not for the technical aspect but for thinking like a manager
The Study Notes and Theory Facebook group was also one of my every day support. Reading your posts, questions, moods, disappointments and successes. We cannot achieve this alone and you are part of this achievement.
One little stuff for the ones who are not confident, scared,... On last July 2020, when I started my study (alone at home, every days or nights with my books and my few subscriptions), I discovered that the OSI model has 7 layers, I discovered what was a custodian or a data owner and so on. I have been working for more than 20 years in telecom and IT industry without knowing all of that. I was Project Manager and then IT Manager. Can you believe it ? My bosses were very happy for my work. Today, this achievement opens my eyes and provide me a very wide range of perspective.
I wish you all the best and I will remain present in the group to follow you all. Merci à tous