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How Usman Cracked His CISSP Exam

Hi Guys, I kept looking forward to the day I would see my name on the "How To Crack The CISSP Exam". With time and dedication you will see your name here as well.

This has always been my favorite section in the Facebook group because you can aggregate everyone's formula and devise a study plan that best suits your need. Since I have started joining new groups for other certifications, I can safely say that this is one of the most helpful, friendly and mature effort by far.

My background is in Telecommunication, I.T, system, networks, but majorly in Network Security.

I started studying in 2015 by asking a good CISSP friend where to start from (biggest mistake ever). He recommended to read the CBK 4. I read around 4 chapters of it, retained almost zero knowledge and gave up studying CISSP in one month (I guess).

Then a good friend (Adnan Abbas, also planning CISSP) recommended me on the this group. I remained inactive for a couple of months due to a job change.

Then following the success stories I started off my journey again.

Materials Used 1. CBT nuggets CISSP course (Keith)

2. CISSP official study guide Sybex (read 3 times)

3. Shon Harris 6th edition

4. CBK

5. Eric Conrad study guide.

6. Kelly Handerhan CISSP videos

7. Youtube/Google for some topics

Testing Engines 1. Sybex android app (good to keep it with you)

2. Total tester

3. Cccure

Flash Cards 1. memorangapp (flashcards)

What do you need from the above 1. Book the exam today!

2. Read sybex then read it again.

3. It is very important to take short precise notes. Will help you in the days close to the exam

4. Watch Kelly's videos, they are priceless yet free :)

5. Google every concept that isn't crystal. Just get an idea of what it is. Don't go in too deep.

6. Practice with total tester or similar and then move to Sybex practice test when your getting 80% in the former.

7. cccure is good way to memorize the topics but not very good for a practice exam engine.

8. A good friend to kick you in the butt when you doubt yourself

That is all you need


CISSP challenges your analytical skills and forces you to think in grey rather than in black or white (most of the time). Some question may be your strong area, others mostly you may have never practically done. But keep an eye out for the wrong answer.

Exam Day: 1. Get 8 hours sleep (i managed around 2 due to stress)

2. Caffeine in controlled manner is your friend :)

3. I tried not to mark too many questions.

4. kept calculating per question time remaining. its a good measure of your speed.

5. took one break after 160 questions.

6. wrapped up the rest and then took my time reviewing the few flags.

7. finished a couple of minutes before the end time.


Thank you Luke and everyone else in the group. You guys motivate, guide, cheer people on through their journey. Joining this group remove the ambiguity around the course and reduces the exam prep time significantly. I wish there was a similar group for OSCP.


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