Hi Luke, I have passed my CISSP exam on the 29th of April 2021. l have spent almost 3 hours with a minute to spare. Yes, I have studied, taken notes, watched videos, and Googled key topics, but I would like to admit and owe you a very big thank you for your motivational words, encouragement and the inspiration you bring when you speak, all these were one of the main keys to attain this certification.
At this moment, I would also like to show my gratitude to all the mentors Prabh Nair, Prashant Mohan, Thor, Pete Zerger, Rob Witcher and Kelly Handerhan from whom I learned the CISSP concepts. I want to thank my wife and kids for their patience and the belief they had on me, as they don’t know what I am going through, they only see me getting up early and going to bed late, spending more time with the laptop and not spending enough time with them. Finally, they are my driving force. Preparation period took me around 1.5 years with multiple breaks due to Covid restrictions and unavailability of Pearson VUE examination centers. I was so nervous, restless and frustrated, as I am not sure when will I give my exam as everything around me was uncertain. I couldn’t travel out of the country as well due to the restrictions. Finally, I got to know that a new Pearson VUE center is available, the same day I had registered for the exam for 23rd May 2021. I had started my preparation again with maximum intensity on a daily basis. A new hurdle came on my way, I was tested Covid positive in early March. I didn’t leave my hope, continued my preparation despite I had to do some recovery procedures regularly. Again came another disappointment from Pearson VUE to reschedule my exam date due to Covid restrictions which were enacted by the country. So, I had two choices now, either allow Pearson VUE to reschedule a date, or I had to reschedule.
The new CISSP May 2021 changes were also running on my mind. With all this negativity around me, only one thing I knew, I want to be CISSP. With all hopes, I rescheduled (preponed) my date to 29th April 2021. Now, I need to rush as I had reduced preparation days.
The DAY came, I reached the center, gave my best, and received the printout with “Congratulations" written on it. That’s it, I didn’t even look at the other paragraphs in the printout.
Study materials and resources:
1. Sybex official study guide 8th Edition – Read the book end to end and answered the practice questions part of each chapter.
2. Luke Ahmed’s Study Notes and Theory – Watched videos by domain wise (use promo code "LATENIGHTSTUDY" for 15% off subscriptions)
3. Sybex official study guide 8th Edition – reread the book end to end
Note – I didn’t take handwritten notes while using the above materials. The second review took one-fourth of the time that I took for my first time read.
Practice sessions:
1. Total tester AIO 7thEdition – 1629 questions
2. Boson ExSim-Max – 750 questions
3. Luke Ahmed – 850 questions
4. Thor Udemy – 1000 questions
Note – I took handwritten notes after every set I complete. This is because, while answering practice questions, I came to know my weak and weakest areas where I need more study. By taking handwritten notes of my weak domains and concepts helped me at the end of my revision.
Weak domains revision:
1. Luke Ahmed’s Study Notes and Theory videos – watched multiple videos multiple times
2. Prabh Nair’s YouTube videos – watched multiple videos multiple times
3. Review of my handwritten notes
Overall all domain revision:
1. Inside Cloud and Security – Pete Zerger (YouTube videos)
2. Destination certification - Rob Witcher (YouTube videos)
3. The Memory Palace – Prashant Mohan
Finally, to be confident and be like a manager
1. How to think like a manager for the CISSP exam (Book) – Luke Ahmad
2. Why you will pass the CISSP – Kelly Handerhan (YouTube video)
3. The CISSP Mindset – How to think like a manager - Inside Cloud and Security – Pete Zerger (YouTube videos)