The golden package has finally arrived!
I wouldn't say that the exam was easy. It was in deed a roller coaster ride where I felt confident while attempting a few questions but there were a few which were totally impetuous.
The only key to the success is hard work where one should focus on learning the concepts, however apart from that ones analytical ability to interpret the intent of each question is very important aspect for clearing this exam.
The knowledge which you have gained from the books is twisted in multiple layers in each of the question, so presence of mind, maintaining calm, being confident and correlating the concepts with the given scenario will help you to crack the exam.
For reference I am mentioning the important resources which I have used:
1. Sybex 8th edition (2 reads)
2. Shon Harris (Referred only for 3 domains)
3. 11th hour by Eric Concord
4. Cybrary (Kelly's Videos)
5. Shon Harris' videos.
6. Study notes and theory Subscription (for videos, practice questions)
7. cccure question and answers
8. CISSP Courses from Udemy.com
A big thank you to Luke Ahmed as without his guidance it couldn't have been possible to beat this beast in the first attempt. I will highly recommend subscribing studynotesandtheory.com as Luke's videos are awesome.He makes sure that you would catch the concept. His practice questions are so tricky which will definitely make you think a lot!
December 2018: Started studying
April, 2019: Appeared and cleared the exam
May 2019: Endorsement process completed
June 2019 : Officially Certified
24th Aug 2019 : Welcome package arrived at my Door.
Good luck to all who are attacking this beast!