Hello Everyone
I’m writing this post as my way of thanking all of you as my moral support – there were few posts (the emotional/heartbreaking/doubting/unsure to yourself post) that came from me and all your kind and encouragement words really helped me.. so here it goes.
Last May 2023, I passed CISSP for the 3 rd time ! yes, I failed twice before getting it right.
I remember crying so hard and being a potato for a bit after failing my 2 nd exam – I asked myself if I’m stupid or CAT is just playing mind games to me.
Anyway, the question here is, how did I overcome failure? I didn’t, until now that I passed. Failure is part of the process and I’m lowkey thankful that it happened to me cause it reminded me to work hard- er and not to take things granted. I took a break (good 2 months) and by Holiday season I started reading again, I read when there is slow time at work (not that I’m encouraging but those times we really don’t have any productions) + highlight some key phrases + make my own summary notes every weekend + and on the last 2 months I really grind to study everyday after work (I tried but if I’m too tired I listened to my body and rest) + study all day in the weekends until the day of my exam.
Here’s my tips that hopefully helps you :
1. Schedule your exam during the low time from your work or your other commitments. This was a great mistake I’ve made during my 1 st exam, I scheduled it during the heaviest workload I have at work at what expense??? (please don’t judge me) its because its closer before my birthday and I don’t want to study anymore after my birthday – but didn’t turn out well, since I need to retake and study again.
2. Last few months before your exam – set 2 hours and more to study. For all the weekends, just give up all the parties and events, your family and friends will understand it. Take those time to study and immerse your self to the world of CISSP
3. Choosing the right book – well again, another mistake I’ve made and hopefully this will be a lesson learned to you. Please pick the right book.. during my 1 st take – I chose 11 th hour as my base…. And yep, its good as a refresher but not really good to give you a holistic understanding of the domains. So either choose OSG or AIO and others for supplements
4. Practice Practice, Practice exam – might be pricey but its worth it, I recommend the CISSP
phone application + Wiley Version + Boson + SNT. The SNT and Boson are nuts but they will
challenge your mind to think and that’s what you really need
5. Pray – in times of doubt pray, I know the journey is hard but always remember the goal at the end. Ask for help, if need be, can be your family/friends or this forum. Please always remember you are not alone; we are all in this together
6. Go back to basic – check the outline, whenever in doubt.. always google and youtube it. Don’t be overconfident – treat yourself as a beginner, so whenever you don’t know anything just search it and you will find the answer – my favorite youtuber by the way is: Prabh Nair and his coffee shots.
Thank you!