Domain 3: Security Engineering
Study Notes
Real-World Demo of Symmetric Key Encryption
Associate These Terms With Cryptography
Confidentiality, integrity, nonrepudiation, digital signatures, authentication, IPSec, VPNs, SSL, TLS
Historical Cryptography Stuff
Caesar Substitution, Scytale, Enigma
Symmetric Key Encryption | noitpyrcnE yeK cirtemmyS
Types of Symmetric Key Block Ciphers
For DES, remember it has a 64-bit cipher, but only a 56-bit key length is used. The other 8 bits are for parity.​
DES also has 16 rounds of substitution and transposition
FYI: Block ciphers use confusion and diffusion
AES-256 is the STRONGEST encryption method for the CISSP exam!
Key size cipher rounds: 128-bit, 192-bit, 256-bit​
Uses substitution, shift row, column mixing
Other types of block ciphers
3DES, AES, RC6, Blowfish, Twofish, Skipjack, IDEA
Why Do We Use Cryptography?
Where Do We Use Cryptography?
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Think public/private keys​
Cryptographic ciphers are exchanged after the TCP Handshake and during the SSL Handshake​
SSH is the more secure version of Telnet as it uses public/private keys ​
We use asymmetric encryption when using PGP for email​
Cryptography is used heavily in IPSec VPNs to create an encrypted tunnel that is near impossible to break
For Confidentiality
Unauthorized persons cannot see or decode the data unless they have a private key, symmetric key, or session key​​
For Integrity
Unauthorized persons cannot change ​the data
Authorized persons cannot accidentally change the data
In terms of availability, it is not associated with cryptography that much. ​Sure, data at rest is encrypted, but when it comes to the CISSP, availability is not usually associated with cryptography
Verifies the identity of a person or subject
This includes people, processes, and systems​
Important note: authentication is NOT a part of the CIA Triad
A technique of confirming the original sender​
Disallows the sender to deny they sent a message
Important when it comes to accountability, logging, and auditing​
Cryptography Terms and Definitions
Everything you basically need to implement encryption
You'll pick some method to generate a key
One key will enrypt
One key will decrypt
Plaintext or cleartext
Data before it is encrypted ​
Example "Meet me at 3PM"
Data after it is encrypted
Example "@:L#jk09'PFIJ093jf"
The mathmatical ​calculations required to turn plaintext into ciphertext
Change from plaintext to ciphertext​
Change from ciphertext to plaintext​
Work factor
The amount of time it takes to break an algorithm​
The amount of time it takes to figure out an encryption key
For each algorithm used, there is a key
The keys are the ones that make each ciphertext unique
The keys to an algorithm is what hackers will try to get
Can be symmetric or asymmetric ​
Each key should ALWAYS generate a different set of ciphertext if used on the same plaintext
The amount of 1's and 0's that can be used to create a key​
Key clustering
When the same ciphertext is generated from the same plaintext​
This is NOT good
You want every key to have a unique ciphertext output
Initialization Vector
Sometimes patterns are created if the same keyspace or keys are used over and over again. ​
An IV injects a small random number to eliminate any patterns
Used in DES-CBC mode
Kind of like an initialization vector​
Used for increasing the randomness and unpredictability of ciphertext
Fields of Cryptography
graphy means writing​
It means the science of coming up with difference types of super strong algorithms​​
analysis means analysis​
It is the art of breaking the algorithms created in cryptography
The NSA employs cryptanalyst to help break encryption ciphers to decode messages
logy means reading ​
It is the study of both cryptography and cryptanalysis
The study of creating encryption ciphers, and the study of breaking encryption ciphers