Hello Guys, I did it, i achieve my goal! Today i passed at the CISSP Exam. I will try to talk more about this achievement.
First I would like to thank everyone in this group, you guys helped me a lot.
Well there’s one thing in this world that has the ability to change our whole life in an instant. It’s action. The secret to getting ahead in this world is first getting started. This is my first tip for you: MAKE A REAL DECISION! It’s not a half decision, a more or less decision. You need to have a different mindset for this test. My second ip: Schedule right now your exam. Believe me , you will begin to take your studies seriously when you schedule your exam.
You just gotta jump in the deep end. And once something goes into motion, it stays in motion.
When I made that decision, I spent one day developing all my planning studies. You can pick up tips with other people, but make up your own planning. Because who better than yourself to know what works for you right?
Study resources that i used:
• CISSP ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional Official Study Guide, 7th Edition – (Grade: 8/10) :Was my primary CISSP reference. In my humble opinion this is the best book available at the moment. • CISSP Study guide – Eric Conrad – Third edition – ( Grade: 7/10) – It’s a great book, straightforward. • CISSP 11 Hour – Eric Conrad – (7/10) – Great resource , i use it on the last month for review. • CISSP All-in-One – Shon Harris – (8/10) – It’s a very detailed book.It is still relevant for the exam. I use it like a support book. My tip: Don’t try to read every CISSP book. Choose 2 and read , read and read again.
Kelly Handerhan( Cybrary) – CISSP Course ( Grade: 9/10) – This is one of the best materials that you will find, and it’s free.
• I created my own Mindmaps – (Grade: 9/10) – It Was a fantastic resource. I reviewed the whole material with my mindmaps. Worked very good for me. • CCCure questions – (Grade: 7/10) – Good resource • Sybex Questions- (Grade :8/10) – The best question resource that i used
Study Strategy
– At least 4 hours per day for 4 months( On weekends and holidays i studied over 8 hours per day). TIP: Start to study 1/2 H per day and increase over the time. STUDY EVERY SINGLE DAY at least 1 Hour. – I did exercises every day( I made more than 7000 exercises) -Track your progress. Indetify your weaknesses and improve to UNDERSTAND the concepts, please do not memorize. One good thing for me was: Every time i finished a topic , i reserved some minutes to explain to myself about that topic ( This help me a lot to internalize and understand the concepts) This Study strategy is fundamental for your success , for real: If you believe enough in the process and the end result, success is going to come to you. It will. It’s not talent, it’s not innate ability, it simply comes down to how hungry you are. How hungry are you to improve? Stay hungry and visualize your achievement.
I hope that this strategy helps you! Good luck in the journey!
If anyone needs something’m here!
You can find the mindmaps created by Matheus at this link: